12. Creating Magnetic Content P2: Master your Messaging by Understanding your Ideal Client

June 12, 2023

I want you to picture your favorite clients in your head. What makes them your favorite? What do you have in common? This is the beginning of understanding your ideal client profile. In today’s episode, we’re getting acquainted with the  essential step that I walk all of my clients through – understanding their ideal clients. The term “ideal client” is thrown around left and right so we’re really getting to the basics here. What is an ideal client and why the heck do you need to know who your ideal clients are?

Really effective marketing means speaking to one person. So we want to have an ultra clear picture in our head of who this person is and what makes them tick. I want you to take away the tools needed to call in clients that feel like best friends. So grab a drink and let’s get social!

In this episode, I cover: 
Why having an ideal client profile is so important
How to identify who your ideal client is
The next step to integrate your ideal client into your content strategy
The essentials of connection marketing