Why I Quit the 90 Day Challenge Early: Redefining Consistency on Social Media

December 4, 2023

What happened to the infamous 90-day challenge, courtesy of the incredible Lacey Gebo? I quit early and I’m giving you the total rundown on why in today’s episode. My definition of consistency doesn’t look the same as a lot of social media managers out there.

We’re constantly hearing about how important it is to post with a high frequency. But what happens when the quality of those posts goes down dramatically? Our audience notices. My engagement was actually going down during the challenge and I had to take a step back to re-evaluate.

I’m sharing this because I want you to see how you might be sabotaging your engagement by mirroring the people around you. Other people in your industry might be posting a ton of education and seeing great results. Does that mean that you should too? Not necessarily.

In this episode, I’m chatting about: 

  • My experience with the 90 day challenge
  • Why I decided to quit the challenge early 
  • How my strategy pivoted after seeing low engagement
  • Forming your own definition of consistency