Do you ever feel like no matter how much money you have coming through working behind the chair, you simply can’t hold on to it? It’s immediately going to bills, debt, groceries, and suddenly you’re at a loss. Well, I’ve got a treat for you today!
I had the pleasure of sitting down with my friend Misty Jayne, a life and money coach for hairstylists. As a stylist, she saw the need for financial literacy in her own life and her peers. She discusses her personal struggles with debt and burnout. Getting herself out of debt revealed a hidden passion – sharing her insights and helping stylists reach financial freedom.
A ton of advice you see online is all about how to make more. But this advice neglects to tell us how to manage the money we come by. Misty also shares what it was like showing up in a new way once she decided she wanted to pivot in her career.
It can be really intimidating at the beginning of any endeavor to start showing up publicly in a different way. We talk all about how to navigate shifts in our career with a bold approach.
In this episode, we discuss:
- How financial literacy changed Misty’s life
- The first time Misty showed up as a money expert and how that changed her life
- Overcoming the fear of judgment on social media
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